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Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Thanks

My former classmate who is in the US Midwest area shared me her first experience attending a Latin American-Catholic evening Thanksgiving Mass. Here are the excerpts translated from her Portuguese.

“The temperature was harsh in sub-zero but I insisted in going to the Mass. The church was half-full of Hispanics from all ages. The choir, easily mistaken as one of the best pop bands gave its best with the best instruments singing Spanish charismatic songs in the Latin beat. All of them were dancing, clapping, raising and waving their hands giving thanks and frequently shouting a word of praise. Some occasionally embraced one another and some were on their knees with heads touching the floor in intense prayer. While the music is difficult to resist, I joined in what the congregation was doing by experimenting my salsa steps. If there is an unforgettable scene, it was the dancing mothers carrying their babies and the reverence of the gathering regardless of the high volume of the sound system which is traditional during Hispanic gatherings.
That was the picture inside the church several hours before the Mass.

As I was engulfed with the spiritual breeze. Although I did my best and did it very hard not to shed tears, I was not able to stop them from falling down which I occasionally dabbed. At that point, I knew that the Spirit that filled the church and all came down upon me. I cannot explain but at that time, I did not fear anything and I cannot put in words the peace I experienced. After the priest put his hands on my head, back in my pew, although the heater was not that strong, I was hot and I started to quiver and breathe deep and fast. At that time, I remember what I read that when Karol Józef Wojtyła was told that he was just elected as the new pope while reading something (Thus, he did not expect to be elected.), he fell down from his chair convulsing. Writers from the non-secular media said that John Paul II was penetrated by the Spirit.

Finally, during the Mass and song extravaganza, I gave my best to the Lord praising, thanking and asking Him for more. 

Next year, I'll be there again.

I wished you were with me in experiencing a 'pentecost' and testing your salsa skills.

Take care.”

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