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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Is Justice Massacred in "Vizconde Massacre"?

The liberty of Hubert Webb and five others formerly locked up in jail is the hottest topic today from radio, TV,  the dailies, social networking sites and in the streets.

I don't have much to say about the case since I have not yet read an in-depth presentation of the story.  After a  brief visit at Inquirer's internet edition, it looks like there are some who lose their faith in our justice system.

I cannot blame them.  I am as eager as them in waiting for the day to read a big politician convicted  and jailed because of graft and corruption or jueteng. If that day comes if it ever will in my life time, the warden should throw the cell's key in Pasig River.

If my recollection is correct, the Vizcondes were brutally murdered by supposedly drug addicts from rich and influential families.  They were convicted but Chief Justice Corona's Supreme Court says that they are innocent and now they are back in the streets.

The law of man has flaws that often times, the guilty are found innocent by courts and the innocent are mercilessly convicted.

Nothing is new with this but at the end of age,  a perfect and incorruptible Judge will hand down his decision for all and no one can reverse that.

In the meantime, the guilty who are set free can enjoy their "temporary" freedom but the innocent languishing in jail will have the last laugh.

The latest move of the Supreme Court should not dampen our trust in the government.  We pray instead that the government is interested in justice and the rule of law and not in the rule of man.

To the just released with new freedom, may you find peace, comfort and good conscience and to Mr. Lauro Vizconde, be sure that justice will be served. It might not be here but upstairs. Be also at peace and never lose hope.  -30-

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