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Monday, June 6, 2011

Baby To Be Aborted Is Saved*

That was some years ago when my friend was under stress and psychologically disturbed. The fangs of a difficult life caught her. She and her live-in partner have decided to end their baby’s life at the age of three months I believe.

They told me their plan. I reminded them both that a baby in the womb is a human being with rights and dignity and to abort a life in the womb is murder for it stops the beating heart of a defenseless person.

Days after thinking what options they have left, my friend Ruth (not her real name) told me that on a specific day, they will go to an abortion clinic. I told them again, “Please NO. Don’t do it,” but she said that they already made up their mind.

On that day when an innocent and defenseless life was about to be murdered, I went to a nearby church and asked the Lord through Mary to please save the child. I left the church leaving the fate of the baby into Mary’s care and God’s mercy.

In the mean time a mutual friend on the other line told me that while they were on their way to the abortion clinic, Ruth changed her mind and went home.

At the time when she changed her mind, I was right inside the church. Well, it was a coincidence?

I don’t see it that way for God is always on the side of the defenseless, the voiceless, the oppressed and victims of social injustices and hatred.

The good-looking boy is now more than three years old, my baptism godson. I was and I still am very thankful. The small voice of a sinner in me was heard.

I hope that Ruth will soon tie the knot with her boyfriend.

*This story really happened. -COR INVICTUS

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