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Friday, October 1, 2010

Excommunication Threat to Aquino: "Not True"

I said in the last entry of my blog, immediately before this article that:

". . . [I]t is not enough to take the face value of the words and teachings of the bishops or even the Church. It is wise to ask “Why are they saying that and how did they come to that point?

It is “puzzling” that a day after Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) head Bishop Nereo Odchimar broached the “possibility” of Mr. Aquino’s excommunication, Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales said that the threat is not true and blamed the media for the controversy.

Cardinal Rosales may have been polite in his words but he knows that artificial family planning is morally wrong per Church precepts. No "harm" has been made yet and he could just be holding his horse.

Did the good cardinal tell a lie? 

No, he didn’t.

Did Bishop Odchimar tell a lie?

He didn’t either.

So, what’s the controversy?
Pres. Aquino is under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Cardinal Rosales since the Palace is in Manila. The cardinal can impose excommunication to the president if the former deserves so but a daily said “the threat is not true”.

If it is unlikely that Aquino is excommunicated why did Odchimar mention “possibility”?

Canon 1329, Sec. 2 of the Code of Canon Law rules:

“Accomplices who are not named in a law or precept incur a latae sententiae penalty attached to a delict if without their assistance the delict would not have been committed, and the penalty is of such a nature that it can affect them; otherwise, they can be punished by ferendae sententiae penalties.”
If and when the president gives the green light for the distribution of condoms, pills, etc., or  if he signs  a bill into law  promoting the use of artificial family planning, the president is excommunicated  latae sententiae. In that circumstance, no one excommunicates the president but himself --- automatically after an offense is committed.

What’s wrong in using condoms and pills?

The following URL explains everything:

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