The street scenes in Egypt bring old but fresh memories when Filipinos finally decided to say enough is enough to an unwanted regime.
May the people of Egypt find ways to restore order in their country and may they shun violence in achieving their goal for a better government.
In 1986, we were not able to do it by ourselves, the dictator and his minions were so strong. We asked for the help of the Almighty and that help came unexpectedly.
Pictures from Cairo show a group of people praying in front of a tank and another giving a baby to a soldier. There’s also another crying while praying in a Mosque.
We did the same here in the Philippines in 1986.
Egypt is so close to the heart of the Almighty. It is a place where the pregnant Mary and husband Joseph sought refuge in the middle of the night from the cruelty of a dictator. May peace descend upon Egypt and may the Almighty take care of you.
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